Production employee vacation worker

9 dagen geleden

Taken en verantwoordelijkheden

Would you like to earn some extra money this summer? Then this is your chance! Become a production employee at Elis in Klarenbeek and earn a great hourly wage of €14.02!☀️ And if you work in the evenings, it even goes up to €20.33 per hour. This way, you can not only enjoy your vacation but also all the fun things you can do with it! WHOEHOEE! What we offer

A summer hourly wage of €14.02
Including allowances, earn up to €20.33! WAUW!
Work both full-time or

Wij hebben van deze opdrachtgever niet alle informatie ontvangen omtrent deze vacature. Deze vacature is echter wel actueel.
Bekijk volledige vacature