Reachtruckchauffeur (English), Merba

8 dagen geleden

Taken en verantwoordelijkheden

Cookies and trucks. Perfect combination right?! As a reachtruckchauffeur at Merba you'll get a salary of €16,09 per hour. With shift allowances you can even get up to €22,36 per hour! Is this your new job in the best cookie factory of Oosterhout (NB)?! Apply now! What we offer

A salary of €16,09 bruto each hour.
A job in 3 shifts.
A long-term job.
Travel allowance of €0,21 per kilometer.
Shift allowances! Get up to €22,36 per hour 💸
Discount on

Wij hebben van deze opdrachtgever niet alle informatie ontvangen omtrent deze vacature. Deze vacature is echter wel actueel.
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