About us

JoBBsquare (part of Nederland Vacature Groep) – fair and open

We stand for quality, not quantity. The right match between employer and job seeker doesn’t begin with handing over numerous anonymous CVs. It’s all about matching people with job positions on the basis of talent, interests, job content and company characteristics.

To create the right match as mentioned above, the online platform JoBBsquare requires full disclosure and transparency. The personality and characteristics of both employers and job seekers are as relevant as the cold hard facts such as level of education or salary. We bring both parties directly into contact with each other. This gives both parties the opportunity to present themselves authentically.

Who we are and why we do what we do
JoBBsquare is a tight-knit professional organisation with passionate people and the only family-owned company in our line of business. We first started out regional, but since 2004 we work nationwide. Nevertheless we haven’t lost our strong regional focus. Being a family-owned company results in having great resolving power and accessibility. We aim to have the highest possible service level.

We believe having a job that suits you well is one of the most important things in life. After all we spend most of our time working and everyone deserves to live his or her most beautiful life. We want to make sure that everyone has the chance to develop talents, pursue dreams and hopefully land a job that suits their talents and personality.

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